Join us for our 2021 update of perennial favorite Career + Work Apps for Productivity and Peace. This is also the last CMI session of the year, so don't miss it!!
Time is money we’ve been told. Actually, time is not money, time is time, the only thing that money cannot buy. Time is an equalizer and we are all given the same 24 hours each day. So, how do you want to spend your 24 hours?
Living your life well includes being efficient and getting done what you need to do and having the wisdom to listen to what your heart and soul wants.
With the proliferation of thousands of mobile apps life has been made more efficient. However, the same technology can be a time robber and soul killer if misused.
In this session we provide a live review of 21+ career-related and job search apps (that we believe are helpful after having used and reviewed them ourselves, Additionally we organized them into 4 district categories so you get a better handle of the overall landscape and feel less overwhelmed.
1. Social media/ internet blockers
2. Process apps
3. Workflow apps
4. To-do list app
Event Host: Wharton Club of National Capital Region
Date: Wednesday, December 17
Time: 12:00 AM-1:00 PM EDT
Location: Virtual
Cost: Members: Free
Non-Members: $8