Co-Hosted by WCNCR Climate Change Affinity Group
The future of e-mobility is bright and is increasingly moving beyond light duty cars and into the realm of heavier duty vehicles. What does this mean for the vehicle manufacturers and the industries that supply them? What is the impact on the electricity grid and how are utilities responding? We will discuss these topics and more with Wharton MBA alums Alan Westenskow of Proterra and Dan Bowermaster of EPRI.
This Zoom event is open to Wharton Energy Network (WEN) members and Wharton/Penn alumni who register through WEN (alumni status verified via MyPenn). The Chatham House Rule will apply to this event and there will be no recording.
Event Host: Wharton Club of National Capital Region & Wharton Energy Network
Date: Tuesday, May 11
Time: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM EDT
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
Click Here to Register!
Alan Westenskow (WG’05) - Director of Business Development, Proterra
Dan Bowermaster (WG’08, Lauder’08) - Senior Program Manager of Electric Transportation, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Moderated by: Warren Wang (W'00, ENG’00) - Associate Director, Guidehouse Inc.