Todd Horst, WEMBA'01


Special Skills, Qualifications & Previous Board Experience
Served as President, Penn Club of DC (2018-2022)
Served as Treasurer, Penn Club of DC (2016-2018)
Founding member and advisory board member (Wharton Club of NCR)
Board member, DukeDC Regional Alumni Board
Partner, McKinsey & Company focused on serving technology clients on growth topics (marketing, sales, customers success)

Have lived in DC for almost 25 years and have built an extensive network of business, education and NGO leaders. I recently stepped down from the President role at the Penn Club of DC, having served the maximum of two, two-year terms. During my time as President, working with our amazing volunteers, we were able to dramatically improve the club's financial stability through fund raising and a membership program, increase the size of the board to 20 from 8, diversify the board across important elements including race, age and industry experience, and build succession plans to orchestrate four board elections with increasing participation. During my terms - through Covid - we consistently demonstrated the ability to execute 1-2 events per month. We also funded our first ever scholarship of $2,500 in partnership with Penn in Washington, now in its third year. We have also partnered with the Wharton Club of the NCR, and consistently promoted their events on our website.

See above in terms of board diversification. We also created a new executive board position - VP of DE&I - and wrote our values into our by-laws.

As a Wharton Club board member, my primary goal would be to help increase the size and diversity of our membership. Events and fundraising are important elements, but I am also really interested in exploring how we can better leverage The Wharton School and its global presence to bring new perspectives to our members to complement our already successful event program.