March 2020 Newsletter
The Monthly ROR (Return on Relationship)
Welcome to the full and complete monthly newsletter! Get plugged into recent activities and upcoming ones. Get to know your community, and so much more!
Wharton Board Elections are in full swing.
This is a great time to get involved! Remember that WCNCR is created by Wharton alumni for Wharton alumni. Our club will be as good as we make it — SO bring out your best and support the club by joining or renewing your membership, attending and/or sponsoring events, sharing ideas for speakers and venues, etc.! You can always reach us through the website.
Coronavirus and how it effects WCNCR events
Given the unknowns around COVID-19 and the current presence in the Washington metropolitan area, we have decided that we want to be proactive and prioritize the safety of our alumni community. As such, the Wharton Club of National Capital Region is making the necessary changes to our events. Please check status of individual events on the website.
This means that we are postponing our April 21st - 1-year anniversary celebration with Professor Michael Useem, management professor and the director of the Center for Leadership and Change Management at Wharton. We are working with the University to see whether we can do a webinar. So stay tuned!
While the risk is unknown and may still be low, we want to minimize putting our alumni in large group settings that are not essential. We will continue to monitor the situation to decide when to resume large group events.
Let us continue to keep the dialogue and the social and professional networking in our powerful Wharton community.
Thank you for being part of the Wharton National Capital Region alumni group.
WCNCR Board of Directors and Advisory Committee
Upcoming Events
Sun., Mar. 15 thru Mon., Mar. 30 - 2020 WCNCR Board Election Voting
Be sure to look for the email titled “Vote: Wharton Club National Capital Region Election 2020”. ALL paid club members receive an email from the online voting tool, Helios, on March 15th. Election is open until Midnight, March 31, 2020. Click here for details.
Thur., Mar. 12 - March Monthly Pub
Join us on Thursday March 19, 2020 for our monthly Pub night!
Tue., Mar. 31 - WCNCR Small Group Dinner
This inaugural small group dinner is an opportunity for 6 alumni to meet at a National Capital Region restaurant to share conversation and identify opportunities for mutual benefit. Click here for details.
Tues., Apr. 21 - POSTPONED! Anniversary Event with Professor Michael Useem
This event will be postponed until later in the year. Please watch for updates.
Get Involved
This is YOUR club! Your help makes it better.
Do you have an idea for an event? - A connection to a Wharton professor that you want to share? - An affinity group you’d like to arrange? - A great meeting space you can offer?
We need your help!
YOU are what make our club programming successful, whether it’s your attendance or your ideas and help in coordinating the events. Please check out our Volunteer page to see how you can get involved.
One of our biggest challenges is finding donated meeting spaces where we can have large events. If you have access to a centrally located space that we can use for a nominal fee, please let us know the details! Click here to send us a message.
WCNCR is planning to make sponsorships available for the upcoming 2019-2020 year. If you are interested in increasing your company’s brand awareness, or want to align with a specific venue, program, or affinity club, please contact Ellis Rosenberg for more information at [email protected].