Toast our Wharton Community!

Date and Time
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
6:00pm— 8:00pm
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__Maxwell Park - Shaw
1336 Ninth St NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States
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Come and celebrate the holidays with the Wharton Club of the National Capital Region.

Brent Kroll, founder of Maxwell Park- Shaw, Maxwell Park - Navy Yard and the upcoming PopDC, will guide us on a tasting of fun effervescents with paired light dishes. Brent has many accolades, including being a 2019 Rammy winner and a 2018 Food & Wine Sommelier of the Year. Wine Enthusiast magazine said it best: “Maxwell Park is not your typical buttoned up wine bar”.


The price includes bubbly beverages + light pairings. The Maxwell Park kitchen stays open until 10pm for those who would like to order dinner.

Giving Opportunity - For every registration, the Club will donate $5 to DC Central Kitchen. We welcome additional donations through our registration site.

Click here to donate!


Host: Wharton Club of the National Capital Region
Date: Tuesday, December 13
Location: Maxwell Park 
1336 Ninth Street NW
Washington DC 20001
Time: 6:00pm 
Members - $65
Non-Member - $65
Guest - $65

Club will be subsidizing a portion of the fees for Members who register by 12/7 and if you are not a Member, you may become one today here

Purchase Tickets

Or register manually

Non-Member Ticket(s)
Non-Member - WCNCR Holiday Party
Guest Ticket
Guest Ticket - WCNCR Holiday Party
Member Ticket
Member Tickets - WCNCR Holiday Party
Map & Directions

__Maxwell Park - Shaw

1336 Ninth St NW, Washington, DC 20001, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking