Geoffrey Hart

LinkedIn Profile


Continue to contribute with ideas and connections for speakers, events, and otherwise for the club in the DC community.


I’m WG02, and will strive to represent their interests of alums who are “in the middle” - mid-career vs young alums.

Special Skills, Qualifications & Previous Board Experience

- WG02, Executive Director with JP Morgan in DC

- One of a handful of individuals to work with the school in initiating the new club

- Arranged for initial WCNCR interest group at Succotash (owner is a classmate) and had highest class attendance (9 from WG02). 3 of us became officers/board members.

- Located attorney to draft WCNCR formation documents free of charge for the club (saving the club ~$1000+ in legal fees)

- Secured kickoff event speaker of David Trone and interviewed him. This drove 267 members by the end of that evening.

- Secured Erik Bethel (World Bank) as WCNCR fireside chat speaker. Erik then offered World Bank facilities as a venue.

- As Treasurer, set up all bank accounts, worked with SACL to develop and refine budgeting and reporting process.

- Reunion captain for my class in DC for prior 3 reunions